Liberation through Self-Knowledge

The Laughing River School of Yoga: Liberation through Self Knowledge is here to provide you with the tools to go deeper in your yogic studies so that you can harness the energy of your mind to free yourself from habitual patterns and feel more awake and alive. Learn more about two intensives planned for the month of January that are sure to change the way you perceive your yoga practice and your life.
Opportunity One:
The first is Sanskrit: The Language of Yoga. Sanskrit is the language of all the classical Yoga Texts, mantras, and prayers. It is the root language of yoga and what you often hear in yoga class when teachers are naming postures. This workshop will explore basic pronunciation, the sanskrit alphabet, and demystify how to properly pronounce names of classical Yoga poses. You will also explore ancient texts through call and response chanting. Because Sanskrit is a vibrational language, the sound that you make when you pronounce Sanskrit words directly affects your energy!
As a resident at Ananda Ashram in Monroe, NY, Mike Conway has made it his current life’s work to both study, chant and translate Sanskrit texts. We are thrilled to host him at Laughing River.
This workshop is free for students currently enrolled in our 200 hour teacher training program and counts toward hours for the 300 hr certification.
January 24, 2021, from 10:30-1:30pm
Opportunity Two:
At the end of the month, Yin Yoga and the Koshas examines the layers of self that, according to yogic philosophy, hide our true self. The practice of yoga is meant to move through these layers, called koshas, in order to connect with our true self. According to the Upanishads, this innermost self is the size of a thumb nail and rests directly at the center of our hearts. Through long holds of postures, deep inquiry, and the breakdown of meditation techniques, we will penetrate the layers to reveal the part of you that is whole, complete, and connected to all living things. You will leave with a greater understanding of why you experience different mental and emotional states in yoga and meditation practice, and reveal deeply held patterns in a compassionate way.
Emily Garrett has been practicing and teaching Yin Yoga for over a decade. Her hope is that through the practice, students will experience deep stillness and the true knowing, that they are perfect as they are. This workshop is open to all. Recommended for and counts as hours toward 300 hr certification.
January 30- 31th, 2021, from 1:00- 4:00pm
Thank you for joining us on the path toward liberation!
Learn more about the Laughing River School of Yoga by reading our first blog post about the school by clicking here.