summer intensives
Vayus, Chakras & Bandhas
with Malaika DosRemedios
June 6-8, 2025
Friday: 6-8pm
Saturday: 12-6:30pm
Sunday: 10:30am-5pm
In this weekend intensive for yoga teachers and yoga practitioners with at least one year of experience, we will dive into understanding the energy body through the framework of vayus, chakras and bandhas. Ancient yogis developed a useful in depth map of the energy body that still applies to modern day ways of living in the body. Learn about this framework, how to visualize and access your energy body, and ultimately use it as a tool to feel more whole and integrated in the world.

"Malaika not only has deep holistic knowledge of yoga and the body--both physical and energetic-- but also genuine warmth, openness, passion and charisma that make her a fantastic teacher."
"I have so many take-aways... and I know that this intensive will make my teaching and my personal practice more authentic and inspired."
"As a student, I feel more connected to my purpose and "why" of yoga. The content and practices we experienced as a group were transformational. I wish the weekend was longer!"

The pelvis has its own story, its own mythology and a history! When we begin to work with it, it is possible to free ourselves from old patterns that have been lodged in the body so that we can cultivate more ease, balance and even JOY in our lives.
In this weeklong intensive, we will learn pelvic anatomy and physiology. We will explore the mythology of the pelvis, and also the energetic and mental patterns that can lodge here. We will practice working with these many facets though yoga poses, breathing exercises, visualization and dialogue.
Yin Yoga is a necessary component of any complete practice. We live in a yang culture, and it is imperative that we create balance by learning how to slow down, be present, and attend to the needs of our ever changing bodies.
Learn how to use props wisely, adjust the poses for different body types and injuries, and ways to create an environment conducive to stillness and self inquiry.

Vinyasa Krama: The Energetics of Intelligent Sequencing
with Malaika DosRemedios
August 1-3, 2025
Friday: 6-8pm
Saturday: 12-4pm
Sunday: 10:30am-2:30pm
In this in-depth weekend intensive we will explore Vinyasa Krama (wise progression) to systematically and purposefully design transformational yoga classes. The sequencing of components is both a science and an art, offering a lot of space for creativity while also requiring a clear understanding of the physical, energetic, and emotional experiences at play.
Learning what, when, and how to place a particular part of the class in a sequential order to bring the most beneficial experience is the aim of the weekend.