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Yoga Defined

The word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit (yuj), the language of ancient India where yoga began. According to the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, a text outlining the basic philosophy and practices of Classical Yoga, yoga is when the mind stops and one recognizes their true nature. What is often referred to as “yoga” in our culture can be more precisely described by the Sanskrit word asana, which means physical posture.


Hatha Yoga, which describes much of the yoga practiced in the west, is the physical practice which includes postures, breath techniques and meditation.  Hatha Yoga is only one type of yoga.  It is actually part of Raja Yoga, the path of self-control.  Within Hatha Yoga there are many styles, including Vinyasa, Iyengar, Astanga, Bikram, Kundalini, Kripalu, Jivamukti and more.

Arriving to class

Should I bring my own props? If you have them, then yes! If not, we have props available at the Chace Mill. Limited props are available at the Surf Club.


Do I need to register ahead of time? Yes. Pre-registration is required for all classes. Register through our website or the MINDBODY app on your device.


Do you offer physical assists? Assists are offered both physically and verbally.  While some teachers only offer verbal assists, there are others who will offer physical assists.  Physical assists are meant to enhance the student experience within a pose, help create safety and fine tune alignment. Physical assists will not be offered without consent.  For those classes that include physical assists, consent cards are available at the check in desk at the Chace Mill. Take a "Yes" or a "No" card to your mat so your teacher knows your preference! You can also communicate verbally with teachers so that they are aware of any injuries.


What is the difference between on-demand and live stream? Our virtual classes are live-streamed, meaning you are taking the class live along with other students and your instructor. On-demand means that the class is recorded and can be accessed by members at any time via our Members Access Library. 


What is the difference between Live and at Home classes? Live classes are in-person with your instructor, at home classes are livestreamed via ZOOM.


Do I need to be a member of the Burlington Surf Club to register for Surf Club Classes? No. 


Attending class

Need to leave early? Please let the teacher know so that they are not concerned when you leave early.  Make sure to give yourself a short rest before you go and to leave at a time that is appropriate for your body, meaning after the proper counter poses have been done and both sides of the body have been addressed equally (ex.  don’t leave after twisting on just one side).


I don't have a means of transportation, how can I get to class? Thanks to our partnership with Carshare VT, Laughing River students can use code LAUGHINGRIVERYOGA to receive $25 in driving credit when they create their Carshare account. 


What are props for?  Props are meant to enhance a student’s experience of a posture.  They can be helpful to support more ease and alignment in the poses and are also necessary for restorative yoga where they take over the work for the muscles.  Give them a try, then choose whether they are helpful for you.  Our teachers can help to assist you in how to use them properly.


Why do we chant? Chants can include anything from "Aum" to more elaborate verses.  The chanting of mantra focuses our minds on vibration and cuts through our habitual way of thinking.   Many of the Sanskrit chants have been passed down from the ancient Vedic verses of yoga.  Each vibration of sound has a specific effect on the mind.  You are welcome to join in right away or listen and join in when you feel ready.


What is Namaste? Namaste is a greeting sometimes used at the beginning and end of class.  In parts of Asia, like Nepal and India, it means hello or goodbye.  The literal translation is “The light within me honors the light within you.”



I left something behind.  Can you help me find it? We have a lost and found in the check in area.  We will hold belongings here until the first of each month. At that time we will empty the lost and found and donate the items.  If you leave behind something valuable, please email




Which class is right for me? We encourage you to try a few different classes and teachers in order to determine which style best suits you. For a beginner student, start with gentle or restorative yoga.  If you want to try a more vigorous class, we recommend Katonah, Vinyasa, and Vigorous Vinyasa.


How often should I practice yoga? We recommend starting with one class a week and working up to two classes a week. That being said, even if you spend only 10-15 minutes per day stretching or practicing conscious breath work, you’ll notice the benefits of your effort! Consistency is the key.




LRY Family Rules


  1. No cell phones or electronics inside the studio. If you need to use your phone please do so in the check-in area or womb room.

  2. Plan to stay for savasana and meditation. 

  3. Unless you require shoes due to a medical need, the studio is a shoe free zone.  There are shoe racks in the check-in area.

  4. If class is full, please move your mat to make room for your neighbor!

  5. Be kind to fellow students and teachers.

  6. If you arrive at class late, please enter the class quietly.

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